POWER UP: Play the Brain Match Game!

Do you know the basics of how your brain and nervous system operate?

Play the 4D Fit Brain Match Game to POWER UP your understanding (suitable for children and adults of all ages).

Match a list of different functions with two different parts of your brain.

Have FUN while matching the powers and importance of your prefrontal cortex and amygdala that directly impact not only your mental health, function, and fitness but ALSO your physical health, function, and fitness.

How many did you get correct? What did you learn? What thoughts or questions do you now have that you didn’t before? What more would you like to learn and understand?

You can play alone or with family, friends, and colleagues. Share and compare your answers, thoughts, and questions to keep the game going!

And don’t stop there — keep on exploring and learning about your brain and nervous system as you live your amazing life, because the more you learn, understand, and accept about yourself and others the BETTER life will be!

This free mental fitness training tool is brought to you in partnership with MentalFitness4All.

Scott Mikesh