4D Fit Friend: Dr. Lisa finds motivation in family & purpose

Meet one of our 4D Fit friends, Dr. Lisa Lovelace, Psy.D., L.P., founder of Synergy eTherapy, and co-founder of Shout Out Loud, a charity event for suicide prevention. Lisa shared how she practices mental fitness by finding motivation in her family and friends, and the meaningful work that she does. (Keep up the great work, Dr. Lisa—and thank you for sharing!)

Q: What goal(s) are you striving to achieve?

A: My goals are ongoing; I'm always striving to achieve a new goal once one is completed. It is a process and an evolution. Currently, I'm striving to find work-life balance. I enjoy doing a lot of things in my profession, and do not want to burn out!

Q: How do you practice mental fitness to support your goal(s)?

A: I take breaks. I also try to be present in each moment, which is hard when juggling entrepreneurship and family, so I use my support system of friends and family to help keep me on track of the balance I want to achieve.

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Q: What helps you BE your best?

A: My husband and son along with my parents and family all help me be the best I can be, AND keep me in line when I need some redirection.

Q: What helps you DO your best?

A: I do my best when I get enough sleep, get good nutrition, and find time to focus on self-care.

Q: How do you stay motivated?

A: My family is my motivation! Also, seeing results with my clients and creating a business with meaning and purpose are extremely motivating.

Q: What advice would you give someone striving to be and do their best?

A: Find what is meaningful to you and create the balance that you require. No two people are the same, and there is no right or wrong way to do it, just what works best for you.

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Scott Mikesh