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The truth about neurodiversity: What it is & why it matters

POWER UP with greater understanding and acceptance of yourself and others!

Science has come a LONG WAY in the past 100 years as we continue to learn about, understand, and accept the mind as a function of the brain and nervous system --- so much so that we’ve developed Artificial Intelligence based on what we’ve discovered so far (while our mental health system is still scrambling to catch-up!).

It's time we flip how we think about health and fitness on its head!

With April being Neurodiversity Awareness Month, May being Mental Health Awareness Month, and June being Brain Health Awareness Month, it's time to connect them all based on what we know about the human brain and nervous system so far in the 21st century --- to improve human health, fitness, and well-being from the inside-out, as we keep on learning and progressing together!

About the presenter

Join author and mental fitness instructor Scott Mikesh from 4D Fit Mental Fitness and MentalFitness4All for this empowering FREE 30-min mental fitness training session (via Zoom) to understand the broader definition and importance of neurodiversity, and how it applies to YOU to unlock your full mental potential.